Each week the latest resources from the course will be posted here


New classes are released each week


OKAY! So here’s the deal: if you want to learn meditation, you gotta pick a technique and do it regularly. You wouldn’t try and learn a musical instrument by trying it once, putting it down, and trying something new the next day right? Same thing here.

I’ll post a new meditation each week for four weeks. You can either stay with week one’s meditations or try out that new one but the first week’s meditation - mindfulness - is the jam and I encourage you to consider it the bedrock of our work together.

Week 1: Mindfulness Meditation and also Deep Relaxation Meditation

Mindfulness Meditation is a way to work with our repetitive thoughts and get grounded. The Deep Relaxation Meditation can also be employed to relieve tension in the body (and thus the mind as well).

Week 2: Mindfulness-Awareness Meditation

As mentioned in Class 2, this is a great guided meditation to highlight two innate qualities of the mind: our ability to focus and our ability to relax into our environment.

Week 3: Loving-Kindness for Yourself and Mindfulness of Emotions

We have two meditations here: loving-kindness for yourself being the main point of focus that is recommended and a mindfulness of emotions technique for anyone who is regularly encountering strong emotions.

Week 4: Loving-Kindness for All

I unpack the origin and importance of loving-kindness in this week’s talk - you can stick with one of the mindfulness practices or take this one as your main practice for the coming week.

Remember: when you’re done meditating, log your time in your Accountability Tracker!

Thank you for participating in the inaugural Meditation Bootcamp!

To continue working with Lodro you can join his new offering here


There are two main forms of accountability as part of this program:

1) Your Accountability Squad - if you indicated in your Intake Form that you would like to be matched with one, you should now be introduced to the other members of your squad. Say hi! And then figure out a good way to relate to one another for this month, sharing your experience with one another.

2) Your Accountability Tracker - this can only be seen by you and Lodro. You should have received a Google link to it (please check your spam folder if not). Here you log the number of minutes you sat per day. If you don’t use it, expect a nudge from Lodro. If you’re using it a lot, expect some gifts from Lodro!

Last but not least: as part of this program you are welcome to join Lodro’s online community, The Basic Goodness Collective, for their Weekly Meditation Gatherings live on Zoom Mondays 8:00-8:30am EST. The link to join at that time is here.


Additional resources

For humor and meditation advice you can follow me on Instagram or Facebook