Each 90 minute class will take place live 1:30 - 3 pm EST on Saturdays April 1st - May 20th
Class 1: Distinction Between Concentration and Contemplation Practices
Reading: “The Excellence of Bodhichitta” from Pema Chödrön’s The Places that Scare You, “The Bridge of Compassion” from Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche’s Mindfulness in Action, and The Four Sublime States from Nyanaponika Thera
Class 2: Rousing Bodhichitta and Review of the Four Immeasurables
Reading: Loving-Kindness Introduction, Chapter 1 and the Karaniya Metta Sutta
Class 3: What is Loving-Kindness Anyway?
Reading: Loving-Kindness Chapters 2-3
Class 4: The Practice of Loving-Kindness for Yourself
Reading: Loving-Kindness Chapters 4-5 and A Practice for Developing Kindness Toward Yourself
Class 5: The Practice of Loving-Kindness for Your Loved Ones
Reading: Loving-Kindness Chapters 6-7 and This Loving-Kindness Meditation is a Radical Act of Love
Class 6: The Practice of Loving-Kindness for ‘Neutral’ People
Reading: Loving-Kindness Chapters 8-9
Class 7: The Practice of Loving-Kindness for Difficult People
Reading: Loving-Kindness Chapter 10-11 and Relationship as Spiritual Crucible
Class 8: Open Forum on Techniques for Teaching Loving-Kindness